

I am a third-year Music & Science student at the University of Jyväskylä, expected to complete my bachelor's studies in spring 2024

Music has always been a part of my life. I used to play the piano and bass guitar. For years, my dream was to study musicology, and now I am doing exactly what I wished for! I am a fan of pop culture, and I also like to follow politics. I love getting into a flow state while playing video games, studying, or doing handicrafts, such as crochet.

During the years, I have discovered my strengths. I am creative, especially when circumstances allow me to blossom. I am also a positive and caring person. I have always dreamed big, and I have truly reached for what I want. This has made me brave and fearless. I also consider myself a natural leader since I like to take on responsibilities, always giving my best effort. 

I speak Finnish, English and Spanish fluently. I have also studied Swedish and Russian. 

I have a good knowledge of different DAWs (e.g. ProTools, Ableton Live), and the last game project was made with Unreal Engine. In this spring's game project I am learning to use audio engine Wwise and getting familiar with Unity game engine. I have also used Max 8 for a Binaural Beats project!

My dream job would involve working with video games, such as creating music and sounds for them. Alternatively, I would love to explore the academic world of game music research!